Churches & Religious Organizations

Winkler Sommerfeld Church

The Winkler Sommerfeld Mennonite Church is one of 13 Sommerfeld churches in our conference. We have two church services on Sunday mornings.During the 9:00am English service, we sing traditional hymns at the beginning, middle and end of each service. Our 10:30am service proceeds in a split service first half Low German second half English language.Sunday School happens in English during both services for the children.During the week we have Adult Bible Study, College and Careers, Youth, Ladies Fellowship, Local Church Choir, and Children's Clubs. These break for the summer months.

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday  9:00 - 12:00 noon Phone 204 315 7676



Physical Address

189 2nd Street

Mailing Address

189 2nd Street Winkler, Manitoba R6W 3N2